Artemis Greenberg Van Doren, New York
9 July- 15 August, 2003

Puddle Wonderful

Artemis Greenberg Van Doren, New York
9 July- 15 August, 2003

Francis Alys, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, David Hammons, Ferran Martin, Donald Moffett, Jessica Rankin, Sebastian Romo, Marisa Telleria-Diez


Three hundred and fifty-five pounds of blue-and-white candy—the combined weight of the late artist Felix Gonzalez-Torres and his lover—spill from a corner at the entrance to this elegant, intelligent show of conceptual art with a decorative bent. (Viewers are invited to eat the mints, effectively completing the piece by depleting it.) In the next room, a grid of wax panels (a pixellated self-portrait by Ferran Martin) is installed in a skylight; as it melts, puddles of purple and pink accumulate on the floor like cheerful tears.


Love in a Cold Climate


Deliberate Living