Private Installation
130 West 12th Street

Six Bee

Private Installation
130 West 12th Street


Sam Falls, Jacob Kassay, Kianja Strobert, Garth Weiser and Robert Zungu

Installed throughout the three-bedroom apartment at 130 West 12th Street are artworks by influential American Postwar and Contemporary artists selected by New York-based private curator and art advisor Sima Familant. In many ways the artworks on view double as its own exhibition situated within a domestic setting. The works channel the formal serenity and poetics of nature within the context of Manhattan’s fast paced urban landscape. Five floral, unique works on paper by Andy Warhol serve as the point of departure for this larger exhibition of post war and contemporary American masters, which includes vintage silver gelatin flower still lifes by Robert Mapplethorpe, and a ceramic sculpture by Jeff Koons. This exhibition not only accentuates the architecture of this important West Village apartment, it also demonstrates how clients may use art to enhance the quality of their interior lives. In addition to showcasing artwork by established artists, this exhibition also features artworks by the contemporary art world’s most innovative and sought after emerging artists including Sam Falls, Jacob Kassay, Kianja Strobert, Garth Weiser and Robert Zungu. Each of the included emerging artists employ organic, natural materials in formal, geometric or Minimalist sensibilities.


On the Grid


Grass Grows By Itself